• Hybrid F1
• Bush Habit
• Zucchini type
Delicious, pretty and easy to find on the plant, these butter yellow straightneck squash are great when picked young. Excellent for grilling, stir frying or roasting. Plants are mildew resistant too! Low growing with an open bush habit.
• Hybrid F1
• Bush Habit
• Cousa type
Considered the best of the Mid-east type squashes, Magda produces loads of short, plump fruit with pale green skin. Flavor is sweet and faintly nutty, perfect for stuffing or as a zucchini substitute.
• Hybrid F1
• Bush Habit
Pretty, prolific, and tasty! This unique variety is cross of crookneck and an acorn + delicata squash. Yellow fruit with pale green blossom ends are easy to see and tender with a nutty flavor. Pick them young for the best flavor and texture. Some fruit may stray from the two-tone appearance, particularly under stress conditions.
• Open Pollinated
• Bush Habit
Tender, pale green scalloped summer squash with mild flavor. Very popular.
• Heirloom
• Vining habit
A staple in Mexican cooking, this hardy native of Mexico grows well in heat and produces pound after pound of flavorful, firm fleshed squash that many favor over zucchini. Fruits are round and firm, perfect sliced and grilled, but also stuffed or sauteed. The long vines are prolific bloomers and the flowers are delicious too! Plants are aggressive and send out long vines, so give it a large trellis and lots of space!
• Open Pollinated
• Vine Habit
Fun to grow with a BIG payback! Long fruits are buttery, firm, mild flavored and great for grilling. Seed cavity is only in the bulb end so you get a ton of meat in each squash. Great as summer squash but can be left to mature as winter squash. Keeps very well.
• Hybrid F1
• Vining Habit
• Spaghetti type
A small spaghetti squash variety, perfect for single servings. Uniform, deep yellow egg-shaped fruit are a good pasta substitute, just bake, fork out the flesh and top with your favorite pasta sauce. Fruits are 1.5-2 lbs on average.
• Heirloom
• ViningHabit
Delicata is one of the sweetest keeper squashes, with a rich, tender flavor reminiscent of sweet potatoes. Oblong cream colored fruit with green stripes and specks are easy to grow and weigh in at 1 to 1.5 lbs each. Keeper squashes such as this take the summer to grow and mature and are ready typically in later summer or fall when the skin is harder and the plant is no longer feeding the fruit.
• Open Pollinated
• Vining Habit
• Hubbard type
A stunning, small version of Blue Hubbard with smooth blue skin. 2-4 lb fruits have sweet, bright orange, fiberless flesh and grow on plants that have a part bush, part vining habit.
• Open Pollinated
• Vining Habit
Classic butternut squash, keeps well and is easy to grow.
• Heirloom
• Bush Habit
• Zucchini type
Dark green fruits are smooth, straight and uniform. A lovely zucchini variety.