Our Favorites list includes varieties that are most popular with customers, and those that have proven themselves and in our trial gardens—that taste great, produce consistently year to year and have relatively few problems.
• Open Pollinated
• Early Season
• Indeterminate
Our favorite cherry tomato. 3/4" fruits are a beautiful pale yellow, sweet, nicely balanced, thin-skinned and easy to pick. Polite, indeterminate plants produce well.
• Open Pollinated
• Very Early Season
• Determinate
A good choice for containers, even hanging baskets. Plants are small, but produce so much fruit you can barely see the leaves! Great for balconies or very small spaces.
• Open Pollinated
• Mid Season
• Indeterminate
The MOST productive cherry variety I’ve ever met. Big, sprawling plants produce enormous numbers of delicious 1/2"-3/4” yellow fruits with a citrusy flavor and a sweet finish. Very popular with our customers.
• Heirloom
• Mid Season
• Indeterminate
Classic, rich, complex sweet flavors Brandywines are famous for, and this one produces consistently. 5" beefsteak fruits tend to come in flushes, 8-10 or more in a flush, then you must wait patiently for the next flush. Well worth it! On Slow Food's Ark of Taste list as a rare, endangered variety.
• Open Pollinated
• Early-Mid Season
• Indeterminate
Fantastic tomato! As a heart variety of the standard Cherokee Purple, it’s got all the delicious, full flavor plus it’s meaty and juicy but with few seeds and less gel. It’s all goodness, and produces SO much better than the standard. Unlike other oxheart plants that grow leggy and wispy, this variety is well-branched with good leaf coverage.
• Heirloom
• Mid Season
• Indeterminate
A rare 100 year old heirloom from Russia and a favorite of mine. Orange-yellow beefsteak fruit are well balanced with a perfect amount of sweetness. Produces well and consistently year to year.
• Heirloom
• Early Season
• Indeterminate
Our best tasting early tomato. Easy to grow, with consistently good production of yellow, smooth crack-free 3-4" fruit with very good sweet, citrusy flavors. A Russian heirloom.
• Open Pollinated
• Mid Season
• Indeterminate
Hands-down our #1 customer favorite! Tropical sweet flavors abound in a beautiful, colorful, early beefsteak. Very productive and consistent every year. Super easy variety to grow.
• Heirloom
• Mid Season
• Indeterminate
Fantastic, subtle, sweet flavors and very juicy. A definite favorite of mine. Great with Burrata or other mild fresh cheeses. Produces incredibly well every year. They don’t hold well once picked, but they’re so good you’ll want to eat them immediately anyway. On Slow Food's Ark of Taste list as an endangered variety.
• Open Pollinated
• Mid Season
• Indeterminate
I LOVE this tomato. Large purple-brown-red beefsteaks are meaty, sweet, full flavored and resist cracking. This one excels in raised beds and produces LOADS of fruit over a long season. A recent introduction by a highly regarded midwest grower/breeder.
• Heirloom
• Early Season
• Sweet
Fantastic sweet crunchy peppers and an early producer. Fruits are bright red with thin flesh, crisp, sweet and complex. Great for eating right off the vine or as a frying pepper. On Slow Food's Ark of Taste list as an endangered variety.
• Heirloom
• Mid-Season
• Medium heat, 2000-4000 SHU
Unmatched flavor! My go-to chile for roasting and stuffing. Very productive too. This is one of the famous 'Hatch' chiles grown for over a century in the Hatch Valley of New Mexico. Medium heat.
• Open Pollinated
• Mid Season
• Medium Heat, 3,000 - 17,000 SHU
Jumbo sized, thick-fleshed, crisp jalapeños, these easy-to-grow peppers are perfect for poppers, or for fresh salsas and guacamole. So crisp and fresh you’ll never want to buy another supermarket jalapeno. I find them to be on the mild side for a jalapeño. Plants grow to 30" tall and are very productive.
• Open Pollinated
• Late Season
• Mild-No Heat
Amazing bright, citrus-floral flavors with a hint of sweetness—all the wonderful flavor of a habanero but without the searing heat! Habanada is a truly heatless habañero with all the bright spiciness unmasked. This one will have a place in my garden every year. Plants are productive, but fruit requires patience. Worth the wait.
• Open Pollinated
• Vining Habit
Aka “Persian Cucumber,” this is a wonderful, productive middle-eastern variety. Fruits have a thin edible skin, crisp sweet flesh and almost no seed cavity. Our best selling variety.
• Heirloom
• Vining Habit
A superb cucumber and a vigorous producer, I love this variety. Great for slicing, eating in the garden or pickling. Crispy, bright and no bitterness. 2-3" blocky, cream to green fruits.
• Open Pollinated
• Vine Habit
Fun to grow with a BIG payback! Long fruits are buttery, firm, mild flavored and great for grilling. Seed cavity is only in the bulb end so you get a ton of meat in each squash. Great as summer squash but can be left to mature as winter squash. Keeps very well.
• Open Pollinated
• Early producer
A very productive and early producer of smooth, dark purple slender fruits with mild flavor and no bitterness. Very easy to grow!
• Open Pollinated
• Vining Habit
• Muskmelon
Incredibly fragrant fruit is sweet, floral and juicy with bright orange flesh. Vines are quite productive, producing 6-8" ribbed fruits consistently over a long season. Irresistible.
A versatile and hardy basil with a well balanced anise-lemon-basil flavor. Plants are slow to flower, making maintenance easy.
A must grow herb for any garden! Compact plants with wonderfully aromatic leaves and flowers have a warm, sweet clove scent and make a very calming, grounding tea. Pollinators love it too, as it blooms prolifically all season. Deadhead spent flowers to replenish the plant.
Classic middle-eastern herb that is very versatile and easy to grow. The flavor is kind of a cross between oregano, marjoram and thyme. Perennial and polite, it’s easy to keep happy.
• Open Pollinated
• Mid Season
• Indeterminate
Our sweetest variety, super early and thin skinned too! Incredibly productive plants provide loads of 1/2” yellow fruit with a blue-red shoulders non-stop until frost.