Aka “Persian Cucumber,” this is a wonderful, productive middle-eastern variety. Fruits have a thin edible skin, crisp sweet flesh and almost no seed cavity. Our best selling variety.
Great for small gardens! Plants have a compact bush habit, and are early, heavy producers of mild, striped 4-6” fruits that are great for slicing or pickles. Said to be mildew resistant. Plants spread to about 30”.
Japanese cucumbers are known for being less bitter and more succulent than our standard varieties. Natsu Fushinari is vigorous, sets loads of fruit, does well in heat and resists powdery mildew. Fruits are 8" long and slender with deep green, glossy skin. Give this plant extra space, it will spread! Does especially well in raised beds.
A superb cucumber and a vigorous producer, I love this variety. Great for slicing, eating in the garden or pickling. Crispy, bright and no bitterness. 2-3" blocky, cream to green fruits.
Vigorous and very productive. Vines produce long, fluted pale green fruits with tender skin and a dense, tender flesh. Very mild flavor. They can grow very large on the vine and still be tender and mild.
A unique Australian heirloom, the fruit is the size of a lemon cucumber but is lime-green in color. Flavor is very mild, sweet and juicy with no bitterness Eat them skin and all.
• Open Pollinated
• Vining Habit
Aka “Persian Cucumber,” this is a wonderful, productive middle-eastern variety. Fruits have a thin edible skin, crisp sweet flesh and almost no seed cavity. Our best selling variety.